This weekend was the buggy masters race at the legendary Tiltyard. I’ve always loved coming to this track and have not missed a race in the past few years. This year Homer Allman put in one of his best layouts yet that provided a great challenge but kept racing tight.

I showed up Friday and got some needed practice. I made several changes to my nitro buggy to get the speed my ebuggy had and it helped a ton. I tried a few different tire combos but I ultimately settled on SSLW VP-PRO Blades in the front and Impulse in the rear.

I was able to TQ the first round of both Ebuggy and Nitro buggy on Saturday. Those times would be what held but I’d still TQ all 3 rounds of ebuggy and 2/3 rounds of nitro buggy.

On main day I switched to Soft compound since the race was in the morning. The nitro buggy 30 minute A main was up first. I got out to a comfortable lead and kept pushing the whole race. I turned my fastest lap with only 5 laps to go. The entire package worked flawlessly and I was able to put 4 laps on the field.

The ebuggy main was a little closer in the beginning but ultimately I pulled away and cruised around to get the win as well. With the double TQ and Wins I was able to secure the overall Buggy Master title!

In all the weekend couldn’t have gone better, my equipment was amazing and I had a great time just being at the yard and hanging out in the pits. The atmosphere at the yard is unrivaled to any other truck.